
A concrete and motivating approach

to awaken mathematics, develop the autonomy and skills of your students.

Educational resources for everyone in the education community

All of our resources come from a collaboration between teachers, educational consultants and researchers from every region in Quebec, with help from instructors and researchers from many countries. Whether it’s in Quebec, Panama, Colombia or Dominican Republic, our PREST-Presco bins are now used in many school board . Now that our bins have been translated into English, tests will be conducted in all of Canada and, then, in the United States. This project is distributed in three languages: English, French and Spanish.

At its’ core, PREST-Math is an educational approach that gives you the opportunity to transform your classroom into a community of motivated and captivated young researchers. All while keeping in touch with reality and being accessible for your classroom, this project is built upon many recent research in education and didactics.

Whether you want to improve your craft or gain access to practical planning, the PREST-Presco bins will accommodate your every need. This project also includes a growing network of educators that can communicate and collaborate, without barriers, through Facebook or our online training website.

About us